Saturday, December 11, 2010


I've been sitting here reflecting how this pregnacy so far has been much different than with the twins. All in good ways. I'm twenty weeks today. One week from this point is when I went on bedrest with the twins. Hard to believe. I feel so fortunate that I don't seem to be having any complications. I feel good. Occasionally if I'm having a busy day with the kids I will feel some tightness and pressure across my lower belly which reminds of how I felt most of the pregnancy with the twins but I really don't think it's anything to worry about at this point. So physically speaking things are good!

The baby was kicking like crazy last night and Jeremy got to feel "him" for the first time. I still feel like the baby is going to be a boy. Jeremy still says girl. We'll see. The more interesting thought is what color hair will he/she have? I keep picturing a red-headed little boy but only time will tell. We have our big ultrasound this Tuesday so I will be sure to post the results. Boy or Girl? Can't wait to find out and be able to name this little one.

This pregnancy has also been very different because I have just been so busy with the kids that I have had little time to really think about or sit around and reflect that we are actually having another baby. With the twins I think I was on every website, I was totally in tune with what vegetable or fruit the baby resembled size wise each week...what the baby was growing in utero...when the baby started to pee, grow nails etc. Not so much this time. Although, for the record, I did just recently read that at 20 weeks the baby is the size of a banana. Here is my belly pic from today...

I'm happy that I'm finally feeling little baby kicks (have been for a couple of weeks) because it's just nice to have the little reminders through the day when things are crazy... There is Life Inside of ME! It's hard to believe that this pregnancy is already halfway over. From where I delivered the kids it's 2/3 over! At this point I am having faith and praying for an April baby. Anytime in April and I will feel good and will be so much further along than I was with the kids. My due date is April 30th. If I chose to do another c-sec (which I am leaning towards) I can schedule it at 39 weeks...April 23. I brought Chance and Luci home from the hospital at 36 weeks. Still amazing to me.

I did go ahead and schedule a consultation with Dr. Grant, my Maternal Fetal Medicine Specialist that I saw weekly with the twins. I love Dr. Jones and I totally trust him but I felt like I just needed to meet with Dr. Grant at least once to find out exactly what my risk factors for premature birth might be for this pregnancy. That appointment is Dec. 30th.

I'm so excited and grateful about so many things. Being able to experience one infant...for one thing...and hopefully a relatively full term one. I keep telling myself that this is going to be a piece of cake compared to bringing home two premies. Although I will have 2 two-year olds running around so I know that will add some craziness to the mix. But all the things that were so difficult with twins; esspecially nursing through the middle of the night...should be so much easier...(please God).

But for now, I'm just relishing where we are, both with our "big kids" and our "little one". Christmas tree is is cozy and warm with my hubby here while it's snowing and blustery cold outside...two little ones sleeping peacefully in their beds...and little baby kicks...Life is good.

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