Saturday, October 30, 2010

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday to my sweet little pumpkins. God knew how much I loved Fall and that having babies in the fall would make it that much more fun! I LOVE IT.

Chance and Luci are 2 today! It's hard to believe. I see my kids everyday so I don't always recognize the gradual growth and changes until one day I wake up and look at them in a new light and wow...look how big they are! Where does the time go? We recently got our family pictures taken for their birthday and when I saw the proofs yesterday I just cried when I saw how old they look. And how stinkin' cute they really are. And I'm not just saying that because they're mine. These kids are cute.

I know all mom's feel this way. Sometimes I look back and think, "Did I really survive that?" Their conception, gestation, bedrest, premature delivery and bringing home two tiny little miracles. Not having a clue what I was doing. Other times I look back and think, "That wasn't so bad. I could totally do it all again!" And I would do it all over again a million times.

I remember times they wouldn't sleep and I'd be holding one of them for extended periods of time...being so tired and wanting to lay them back down in bed...and then looking down and thinking..."Some day, I would pay a lot of money to be able to do this again." To be able to relive some of the baby days. Someday when they are too big to hold, when they don't want to be held. Already I can see tiny glimpses of that day coming...but am thankful that they still like to snuggle most of the time. I even did get to rock Chance to sleep at nap time the other day because he was just having a hard time getting to sleep. It was so nice to be able to do that. I don't want to go back. So far, thankfully, every stage they've been at has been my favorite...but I still miss those tiny little baby feet.

As we celebrate their birthday today I wanted to just take some time to reflect on all the new and fun things they are doing these days.

Luci talks pretty regularly in sentences...
"Daddy working hard."
"Mommy coming too?"
"Bubba mean to..." (i.e. bubba's being mean to me.)
"Bubba took the keys away."
"I love you mommy."
"I miss daddy."
"Swing High!" (she loves to swing high and often wakes from her naps asking "Swing High?" meaning are we going to the park today?)
"More please momma"
"Mommy's name is Kelly"
"Daddy's name is Jeremy"
"Bubba's name is Chance"
"Be right back!"
"I said NO!"

I could go on and on but these are just a few. It seems like everyday she surprises me with more and more.

Here are some of Chance's new tricks. (More often than not, Luci is also involved)
Climbing up the outside of the crib. Haven't been able to get actually in or out of it yet. (thank goodness)
Taking off pajamas and/or diapers
Using ride on toys to push around the room and then climb on as "step stools" to pull down all the Halloween Candy off the dining room table, or push all the buttons on the stereo and grab the remote controls.
Shooting baskets in his new basketball goal
Going down the slide backwards.
Crawling under his bed and hiding...saying "Be right back..."
Taking laps around the backyard and cutting grass.
Jumping higher and higher. Almost can get both feet off the ground at once.
Jumping off the arm of the couch and ottoman into piles of pillows and blankets.
Becoming a better dancer.
Loves being in the middle of lots of action, watching other kids play etc.
Runs to me giggling when I count 1,2,3 and gives me huge hugs.
Will hug and kiss his sister, mommy and daddy.
Likes to flush the toilet.

There are so many other things that happen day to day that I never want to forget and swear I will remember forever but am not the most disciplined about writing things down. But today, I'm capturing these moments and holding on. I love the way the kids fit into my arms right now at the size and age they're at. I love their little smells. I love their snuggles and kisses and hugs. I love their little voices and hearing more and more of them everyday. I love their giggles and the way they are starting to really play together and chase each other around the house.

My little 2 lb 13 oz redheaded daughter and my little 3 lb 8 oz brown haired baby boy...
Not so tiny anymore, but still and will always be my babies.

I love you Chance and Luci.
Happy Birthday.

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